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Actions during interruption

Occasionally, both failures and scheduled power outages occur in the power grid. During scheduled interruptions, turn off and unplug all sensitive electronic equipment. The exception is security devices, which are usually equipped with a battery and should work even during power cut.

Report a power failure in the MARU application or call 1343. In the event of an electrical accident, call 112 immediately

We notify you of failures known to us through the MARU application and by SMS. We will also include information about the approximate time it takes to eliminate the failure. If you have already received an SMS or MARU notification, you do not need to notify us of the failure. More information about interruptions is available on the map of interruptions.

What to do in case of power cut?

  1. 1

    Determine the extent of the power cut

    When the electricity is gone, determine if the electricity has disappeared from just one light, one room, one apartment or the whole house?

  2. 2

    See if you have received a failure message from Elektrilevi in the MARU application and/or by SMS to your phone.

    We send messages within 10-15 minutes of finding out about a failure. We will also include information about the approximate time it takes to eliminate the failure.

  3. 3

    Check that the electricity meter is working and that the fuses are on

    Make sure the meter display is working and all fuses are on. Occasionally, the meter may have been turned off for some reason, or some appliance or light has turned off the fuse.


  • If you smell something unusual, turn off the electricity

    If there is smoke or an unusual smell coming from the electrical cord, plug or switch, turn off the electricity in the whole house. Under no circumstances should burning electrical wires be extinguished with water.

  • In the event of an electrical accident, call 112 immediately

    In the event of an electrical accident, you should always call 112, regardless of the victim's situation. The health of a person who got an electric shock can deteriorate rapidly and may change for up to 24 hours. Remember that a person in the circuit must not be touched. The victim is energized as long as he/she is connected to the circuit. Turn off the electricity.

  • Keep away from broken power lines

    Fallen power cords can be life-threatening and should never be approached or touched. Also, no trees or branches falling on the line should be touched - the trunk and branches always contain certain amount of water, which makes them very conductive. Touching them can lead to sad consequences. Report broken telephone lines to us via our interruptions phone number.

What to do when a storm is coming?

During storms, there is an increased risk of a power cut as strong winds breaks the trees and wires. This in turn can cause power cuts.

Frequently Asked Questions